The book Well Done! by Dr. D. James Kennedy and Dr. John B. Sorensen is about the Christian Doctrine of Works; what God expects us to do in this life to hear “Well done!” from God. Many Christians shun away from the idea of works because it has been misunderstood in the past for being the means of salvation. Good works will not get you to heaven; however, for the believer trusting in what Jesus did on the cross, there are certain works He has commanded us to do here on earth. This is seen very clearly in the Parable of the Talents. Two servants do what their Master commands them and invest their talents, but the last servant buries his talent in the ground and sits around until his Master comes home. That servant was rebuked and sent away by the Master, while the other two were praised. God has certainly given us all talents and expects us to use them as He has commanded for His glory and praise. But many ask, “What does He expect us to do? How do we know what He has commanded?”
Kennedy and Sorensen have answered these questions and addressed the understated idea of a Christian Doctrine of Works in fourteen chapters that are sure to be a blessing to the Christian who longs to hear from their Master, “Well done, my good and faithful servant. I have put you in charge of a few things, and now I will put you in charge of more. Come and share your Master’s happiness!”